Starting your own business in Vietnam.
Starting a business in Vietnam
Another option when moving to Vietnam is to start your own business. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about how difficult and troublesome starting a business in Vietnam is, and how everything is forbidden. Upon closer inspection however, it is evident that some authors of these texts have had no practical experience in doing so, while others have spread information from unreliable sources. In fact, there are few businesses that foreign investors truly cannot do. These are national currency printing, gold and gem mining, pearl, and rice cultivation, topography, and a few more which are threatening to national security. In reality, if you organize a joint venture, you can do it!
So, if you want to do business, create or promote something new and interesting, Vietnam today is one of the most prospective fields for making your dream come true.
It isn’t widely known that Vietnam provides tax benefits and administrative support to environmental protection projects, application of new technologies in any production, processing of raw materials, and development of information systems and software. Read more about tax benefits in Vietnam here...
Taxation in Vietnam is often exaggerated, too. Corporate tax (income tax) is 20% of net profit. VAT is 10% and Manufacturers can get a preferential VAT rate of 5%. Read more about taxes in Vietnam here…
Our experts will advise you on all issues related to opening a new or purchasing an existing business in Vietnam. This will save you time and money.
You can book a consultation by following the link below.
Book a consultation with an expert on starting production in Vietnam
Some authors mention the “difficulties of starting as an investor or businessman in Vietnam”. Let me be clear, there are no difficulties for people who are skillfully guided in the laws of Vietnam, in the paperwork, and in further legal and accounting support. Our company Leadership TSC is ready to take over all paperwork in order to help you get fully registered in time. Read more about options for starting a company in Vietnam here…
If anyone has ever told you that purchasing an operating company is easier and more profitable than starting a new one, don’t trust them. Our experience reveals renewal procedures are all the same as when starting a new company, just with some additional costs in order to check the tax and administrative cleanliness. Buying an operating company makes sense only in the case of buying a successful operating business.
I would also like to highlight rumors regarding the lack of rights for a foreign entrepreneur in Vietnam. Sometimes foreign entrepreneurs try to avoid additional costs and don’t perform proper paperwork and tax declaration. There is not one case throughout my experience where a foreign entrepreneur would not have been helped by the law when they have properly filled out all documents. On the contrary, I know of cases where Vietnamese landlords have found difficulty in evicting foreign tenants, simply because the foreign tenants have completed leasing contracts properly.
Our company Leadership TSC will help you get into the Vietnamese business environment as comfortably as possible. Order one of the most convenient packages of service now, and get a 20% discount for annual accounting.
- Visa invitation letter for 3 months
- 2-year resident card for you and one family member
- Airport meet and greet
- Information meeting
- Housing search and rent
- Motorbike or car rental or ownership
- Purchase of real estate
- Company paperwork
- Ready working business
- Information support for a year